ABOUT Anthony LoFrisco Jr

Entries by Anthony LoFrisco Jr

Looking for a digital marketing partner? Or any other business service provider, for that matter? If so, there are many important factors to consider in making your decision. For example, the services offered and price points are obviously important but there are many others to consider. For example, how well does the firm “fit-in” with your organization? This is based mainly on how well ...

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Building a strong reputation is essential Do you have a great product or a great service? That’s wonderful. But it’s not enough. Do your customers know your products and services are great? More and more, people only will buy — and sometimes even shop — from highly rated companies and organizations with good reputations. A recent survey of online shoppers showed that 78% of ...

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A paid search campaign is a quick and powerful way to reach your customers and potential customers. With Google Ads and similar programs on other platforms, you can connect your brand and your message with what your customers and potential customers already are searching for and looking at. Hop on board. Go with them. Consumers today want to partner with brands that care about ...

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If you’re looking to gain awareness of your brand or direct potential customers to your website, banner advertising might be what you’re looking for. Banner ads can be designed in various sizes, shapes, and styles and can be designed based on your industry and goals. The versatile banner ad is a utility player, able to handle most situations. Also known as display advertising, banner ...

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It’s not enough to just have a website. Websites in 2019 must be optimized and active to help companies attract and retain customers. A strong marketing strategy starts with setting up your website to reach the most potential customers and tailoring the message and presentation to attract attention from people most likely to be interested in and benefit from your services. Just as it’s ...

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Building a Paid Search campaign with Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is easy. Select a few keywords, write an ad, set a budget and whamo, you’re in business, right? It depends. If you want to be in the business of paying Google then yes, you’re in business but if you’re looking to build leads and sales, not so fast. Google makes it very easy ...

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With any new digital marketing effort, your website is one of the first things you should evaluate. Presuming that your digital marketing is going to do its job of sending good, prospective customers to your website, it’s your website’s job to engage with them and convert them into customers. Is your website up to the task? Here are a few things to consider when ...

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As most savvy business owners know, digital marketing has become is a very important piece of one’s marketing mix and overall growth strategy. Some businesses work with an agency, some do it in-house, but sadly, some aren’t doing digital marketing at all either because they’ve tried and failed, are uncertain about how to select a reputable agency or are just too baffled by the ...

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